Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Watch film Venus And Serena with HD Format

Venus and Serena takes an unfiltered look into the remarkable lives of the greatest sister-act professional tennis has ever seen. In a sport where they were not welcomed, the indomitable Williams sisters faced the opposition with grace and courage not only breaking new ground for female and African American athletes everywhere, but dominating the women's game for over a decade. The film tells the inspiring story of how these two women, against all odds, but with the help of visionary parents, made it to the top. Venus and Serena also explores the struggle of these two aging superstars during the 2011 tennis season as they battle life and career-threatening health problems. In Venus and Serena we gain unprecedented access into the sisters' lives - both in the spotlight and behind closed doors - and we watch as they draw their greatest strengths from one another to overcome countless adversities. (c) Magnolia Pictures
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Movie Title : Venus And Serena
Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Release Date : May 10, 2013 Limited

Actors :Venus Williams,Serena Williams,Bill Clinton,Billie Jean King,John McEnroe,Arnon Milchan,Anna Wintour,Gay Talese,Chris Rock


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Venus And Serena

User Ranting Venus And Serena : 3.5
User Percentage For Venus And Serena : 76 %
User Count Like for Venus And Serena : 867
All Critics Ranting For Venus And Serena : 6.8
All Critics Count For Venus And Serena : 29
All Critics Percentage For Venus And Serena : 76 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Venus And Serena movie without downloading HERE

New Trailer For Venus And Serena

Review For Venus And Serena

An amiable enough overview, with the occasional 'say what?' moment.
Catherine Bray-Time Out

Does the film pull back the curtain on who they are and what drives them? Not so much.
Loren King-Boston Globe

How much new does Venus and Serena have to tell us? Not enough.
Dan DeLuca-Philadelphia Inquirer

An engaging, warts-and-all look at the Williams sisters.
Alissa Simon-Variety

The film works better as a thrilling but superficial celebration of two incredible athletes instead of a personal portrait of two world-famous women who continue to make sports history.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

Fans probably won't learn much they don't already know, but the film covers enough ground to feel like the movie equivalent of one of those lengthy, in-depth articles you used to get in the magazine of your Sunday newspaper.
Alonso Duralde-The Wrap

It doesn't quite get inside their heads, but it's brimming with vigour - rather like the girls themselves.
Steve O'Brien-Total Film

They're perfect American drama queens. All that's missing is a last act.
Charlotte O'Sullivan-This is London

The sisters themselves reveal a little, mostly because of Serena's unguarded imperiousness; but as a study of sports supercelebrity it's a tad subdued.
Andrew Pulver-Guardian [UK]

It might allow further appreciation of their accomplishments, but the one-sided approach too easily glosses over the more controversial aspects of their lives.
Todd Jorgenson-Cinemalogue.com

Revealing biopic examines roots and rise of world-class Williams sisters.
Kam Williams-AALBC.com

Less hagiography than a movie about an unusual, fascinating bond between sisters.
Robert Levin-amNewYork

Documentary about the phenomenal tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams sees them as women as well as phenomenon.
Marsha McCreadie-Film Journal International

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